Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Sometime good to go for a simple ride

Sometimes it's nice just to go for a ride from the house, exploring the bridleways, linking up short and medium sections of track with even shorter sections of road.
Nothing gnarr, extreme or technical, just bashing through nettle and bramble infested tracks, trying to spot evidence of recent use form horses and bikes  (very little truth be told).
I always feel these tracks ned to be ridden at least annually to provide to somebody that they're still in use (just in case).
Anyway lots of pheasants, quiet single track, scarred legs, a clearing sky, few dog walkers, and me. Blissful really. Still managed to do 20 miles without trying, probably 15 of those off road. On;y relay pleasant for a few months in the year, as other times can just be a boggy boggy boggy!
Rode the Jones One 69er and it was so agile! Having come off a Surly Knard and Rabbit Hole rim combo on the green Jones, it was a revelation!

And then out for a bimble in Jethro the campervan to Ashdown Forest for a visit to Nutley windmill and then veggie hot dogs and onion looking at the view whilst the sun sets. Great end to a lovely day.

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